Heel Strap

Foot Grounders are one of the best methods to remove static electricity charged on the human body. This will help to protect ESD susceptible products while you are handling them or moving around with them.

  • Per ANSI/ESD S20.20, use with ESD Floor “as a grounding alternative to the wrist strap system for standing operations”
  • All Foot Grounders are suitable ESD footwear components in your Flooring-Footwear System as the primary grounding method (<3.5 x 10e7 ohms per ESD STM97.1)
  • Integral current limiting resistor for enhanced operator safety
  • 1 mega ohm resistor (1.5 & 2 mega ohm resistors are available on request)
  • Exceptionally long-lasting premium rubber with tear resistant inner scrim and dual wear surface to double its life time
Product Enquiry


Heel Grounder

Item Code M13Z-000
Color Black/White
Ribbon 18’’/30” long nylon/polyester tab with 8 conductive strands
Resistor 1 Mohm
Connecting with plug or snap button


Type D Type S
   Two soles for double life span    One sole and an elastic back strap



Toe Grounder

Toe grounder with a snap-lock fastening system is designed for using with the variety of shoes, including high heels, cowboy boots, flat shoes, loafers, safety shoes, etc.

Item Code  M14Z-000
Color Black/White
Ribbon 12” long nylon/polyester grounding tab with 8 conductive strands
Resistor 1 Mohm
 Connecting with plug or snap button


Sole Grounder

Sole Grounders are equipped with an elastic D-ring fastening system, which provides the snug cinching of ankle strap and allows “flex” during walking. Having the features of Heel and Toe Grounders together, Sole Grounders are widely used with most types of shoes and boots.

Item Code  M15Z-000
Color Black/White
Ribbon 12” long nylon/polyester grounding tab with 8 conductive strands
Resistor 1 Mohm
Connecting with plug or snap button




Selection Guide ( Heel, Toe and Sole Grounders )
Item Code Closure
Size Ribbon
Heel Grounder (Type D) M13Z-001 HE 3/4”(BK) free size 18” double
M13Z-002 HE 3/4”(BL)
M13Z-003 HE 3/4”(GR)
M13Z-004 HL 3/4”(BK)
M13Z-005 HL 3/4”(BL)
M13Z-006 DR 3/4”(BK)
M13Z-007 DR 3/4”(BL)
M13Z-008 QB 3/4”(BK)
Heel Grounder (Type S) M13Z-500 HE 3/4”(BK) 1”(BK) free size 18” Single
M13Z-501 HE 3/4”(BK) 1”(RE)
M13Z-502 HE 3/4”(BK) 1”(GR)
M13Z-503 HE 3/4”(GR) 1”(BK)
M13Z-504 HE 3/4”(GR) 1”(RE)
M13Z-505 HE 3/4”(GR) 1”(GR)
M13Z-506 HL 3/4”(BK) 1”(BK)
M13Z-507 HL 3/4”(BK) 1”(RE)
M13Z-508 DR 3/4”(BK) 1”(BK)
M13Z-509 DR 3/4”(BL) 1”(BK)
M13Z-510 QB 1”(BK) 3/4”(BK)
Toe Grounder M14Z-001 QB 3/4”(BK) 3/4”(BK) free size 12” Single
Sole Grounder M15Z-001 HE 3/4”(BK) 3/4”(BK) S 12” Single
M15Z-002 HE 3/4”(BK) 3/4”(BK) M 12” Single
M15Z-003 HE 3/4”(BK) 3/4”(BK) X 12” Single
M15Z-004 HE 3/4”(BK) 3/4”(BK) XL 12” Single
* Colors: BK-Black, BL-Blue, GR-Green, RE-Red
* Closure Styles: HE-Hook & Elastic Loop, HL-Hook & Loop, DR: D-Ring, QB-Quick Buckle


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